
Are you a current member of the United States Military or an honorably discharged military veteran? Are you the spouse, son (including adopted/step), daughter (including adopted/step), mother, grandmother, or sister of a deceased military member or of a current Legion member? You may join the American Legion, Sons of the American Legion, or Auxiliary at a low yearly membership cost. To join you will need to provide proof of service for legionnaire and proof of family service for Auxiliary or Sons of the American Legion membership. Below is how you can obtain a copy of a DD214 which is one version for proof of service.

Request DD214 by mail (application): Form SF-180 to request DD214 by mail

Request DD214 Online

Being a part of the American Legion is not only about low-cost drinks and meals. The American Legion is the nation’s most influential, effective, and dependable advocate of veteran affairs fighting for better active-duty pay, improved housing for active-duty families and helping to ensure that the VA’s medical system can properly care for veterans. Your membership also helps support American Legion Department Service Officers nationwide who assist veterans in preparing claims and obtaining their full military healthcare benefits through the VA. Members receive discounts on products and services related to auto, financial, insurance, medical, home, technology, moving, travel/lodging, and much more. Learn more from our national site.

At the FRIENDLY POST, we know the greatest benefit of membership is comradery, the treasured times we spend together with friends and family while serving the community around us. For Legion membership, it’s not the price you pay to be a member, it’s the price you paid to be eligible.

Membership Types:

To join, please print and fill out the appropriate form and deliver it to Post 92 with any other requested items, such as the DD214 and membership fee. Note that the Membership forms are in PDF format and some devices such as phones/tablets may require you to download a PDF viewer.

American Legion

  • Available to current or former members of the United States Army, Air Force, Marines, National Guard, Navy, Space Force who served honorably.
  • Meetings are held on the 2ND Tuesday of the month @ 7pm.

Email: Page: Membership form: Link

Sons of the American Legion

  • Available to all male descendants, adopted sons and stepsons of members of The American Legion, or such male descendants of deceased veterans.
  • There shall be no forms or class of membership except an active membership.
  • Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 7pm.

Email: Page: Membership form: Link


  • Available to husbands, wives, direct relatives, and descendants (by blood or adopted) of members of The American Legion.
  • all men and women who served honorably or did serve honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States.
  • Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of the month @ 7pm.

Email: Page: Membership form: Link

American Legion Riders:

  • Members must hold membership in and be in good standing with The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion.
  • Members must be legally registered motorcycle owners or be the legally registered owner’s spouse within the state of registration.
  • All operators must be properly licensed and insured per state laws.
  • All members must obey motor-vehicle laws in the state in which they are operating a motorcycle or riding as a passenger.
  • Meetings are held on the 4th Monday of month @ 7pm.

Email:  Page: Membership form: Link